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Showing posts from May, 2016


(Image credit Day by day increasing school fees of private schools in India constantly, is bothering to Indian guardians due to lesser income parameters yet have to afford to make stand their kids in so called educated crowd. Thus the schooling has become one of profit making business among other businesses, that's why wealthy people in India are blindly investing to get good ROI. Because chances of losing your capitals are less and money earning potential is much higher. It makes me amused to know the idea of many Education Investors, they just say "If school business is not gonna to be succeed then we can turn to this school building as banquet hall or restaurant", wow amazing isn't that? This is the meaning of a school in eyes of these School businessmen. Good infrastructure and expensive fees has become status symbols of these business shops, yet without any prominent study levels. It can be understood very easily that how speedy these educat

Breaking the News to Family

(part 1 of 2) Description:  A two-part lesson containing practical advice for new comers to Islam facing the challenge of breaking the news of their new faith to friends and family. Part 1: This lesson aims to dispel anxiety and develop confidence in dealing with loved ones. Objectives ·          To remove anxiety caused by the fear of announcing one’s conversion and to develop confidence when dealing with loved ones. ·          To enable one to identify the a suitable strategy for breaking the news of one’s conversion to friends and family. ·          To equip the new convert with various invocations to seek help from Allah in making the task easier. One of the tasks which is often most challenging for newcomers to Islam is breaking the news of their new faith to friends and family.  Although one many be overjoyed in embarking on their new quest, starting a new, enriched spiritual life, they may find this task extremely difficult, fearing negative results and rejec

Fate of Non-Muslims

Description:  The Islamic stance on the fate of non-Muslims, who came before and after the advent of Islam. Prerequisites ·          Islam, Eeman, Kufr, and Ahl ul-Kitab ·          Islam, Eeman, Kufr, and Ahl ul-Kitab Objectives ·          To learn about the Jews and Christians promised Paradise in the Quran ·          To learn the correct meaning of two frequently misunderstood verses of the Quran ·          To learn about the Islamic stand on the fate of non-Muslims New Terms ·          Islam,  momin, kufr, kafir, kuffar, Ahl ul-Kitab The Jews and Christians Promised Paradise in Quran The Jews and Christians promised Paradise in the Quran were Muslims who were true monotheists, practiced  tawhid , believed in their prophets, did not commit  shirk  with Allah, but died  before  the prophethood of Muhammad, may Allah praise him.  A frequently misunderstood verse of the Quran refers to them: “Indeed, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, an

Dealing with Doubts

Description:  Why doubts occur, what it means and how we should respond to them. Objectives: ·         To understands that doubts in one’s faith are a natural human occurrence. To acquire the tools with which to banish these doubts.Arabic Terms: ·         Shaytan  - sometimes spelled  Shaitan  or  Shaytaan .  It is the word used in Islam and the Arabic language to denote the devil or Satan, the personification of evil. ·         Sunnah  - The word  Sunnah  has several meanings depending on the area of study however the meaning is generally accepted to be, whatever was reported that the Prophet said, did, or approved. ·         Jinn  – A creation of Allah that was created before humankind from smokeless flame. They are referred to at times as spirit beings, banshees, poltergeists, phantoms and so forth.  ·         Ummah  - Refers to the whole Muslim community, irrespective of color, race, language or nationality. Doubts about what we believe and why we believe it are

Dream Interpretation

Description:  A brief explanation of dreams; their importance in Islam and the three different types of dreams.  This is followed by some details about dream interpretation and the dreams of the prophets. Objective ·         To understand how Islam views dreams and dream interpretation. Arabic Terms ·         Istikarah  – the prayer for Guidance. ·         Shaytan - sometimes spelled  Shaitan  or  Shaytaan .    It is the word used in Islam and the Arabic language to denote the devil or Satan, the personification of evil.  ·         Sunnah  - The word  Sunnah  has several meanings depending on the area of study however the meaning is generally accepted to be, whatever was reported that the Prophet said, did, or approved. The significance of dreams A dream is a series of thoughts, images and sensations that occur in the mind whilst a person is asleep.  Dreams are a universal human experience and the dreamer has very little control over the content.  Our experiences in d

Does Islam Oppress Women?

Description:  The real status of women in Islam. Fourteen hundred years ago Islam gave women rights; rights that could not have been imagined by European counterparts.  Bold words!  Words that have been spoken repeatedly, especially in the last two or three decades by Muslim converts, and Islamic writers, academics and educators across the globe.  Women’s rights, responsibilities, and choices have been the subject of books, articles, essays, and lectures.  Sadly however, convincing the world that Muslim women are not oppressed by Islam is a message that is just not getting through.  Media headlines scream oppression and the words Muslim, women, and oppression seem to have become inextricably linked. No matter what Muslim women do or say to try to convince the world otherwise, words like hijab, burka, polygamy, and Sharia seem to do little but convince people that Islam oppresses women.  Even educated, articulate women fulfilling the modest conditions of hijab can do little to disp